Vicki Ann Robinson  ~ Moving Forward
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What is it that you used to do, or always wanted to do, that is no longer available because of injury, pain and the effects of trauma?

 ~ Learn how to move as you did before injury, pain or stress.

 ~ Decrease chronic low back, neck and headache - migraine pain.

 ~ Recover from the effects of trauma,
 such as:  chronic anxiety, panic attacks and sleep disturbance.

 ~ Move with greater ease, pleasure and joy   in all of your activities.

 ~ Increase balance and coordination.

 ~ Move easier through your life.

Find balance, agility and newfound playfulness.
Become resilient, and present to the moment in your body.

Classes, workshops and private sessions available.

Vicki Robinson, Feldenkrais Practitioner® and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner®
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